Reservation of 7 nodes on February 7, 2023
7 nodes (280 cores) will be reserved on February 7, 2023
7 nodes (280 cores) will be reserved on February 7, 2023
One node (40 cores) will be reserved on Fridays from 17:00 to 20:00
Cluster will be offline for UPS maintenance
Two nodes (80 cores) will be reserved till the end of February, 2023
OS upgraded to SLE-HPC 15 SP4 for all nodes, Slurm updated to 22.05 version, new Intel compilers, maximum jobs walltime increased
Access to cluster may be limited during upgrades
One node (40 cores) will be reserved for practical lessons in December
Two nodes (80 cores) will be reserved till the end of December, 2022
20 nodes (800 cores) will be reserved for two weeks from August 7 to August 19, 2022
Two nodes (80 cores) will be reserved on Tuesdays from 14:00 to 15:30