Intel compilers

Installed Intel compilers #

All nodes have the same versions of Intel compilers.

Please use module avail intel to get the list of available Intel compiler versions.

Intel® oneAPI HPC Toolkit #

The following versions of Intel oneAPI are availible on the cluster:

Intel oneAPI Module
Intel oneAPI 2024.0 module load intel/2024.0.0
Intel oneAPI 2023.2.0 module load intel/2023.2.1
Intel oneAPI 2022.3.1 module load intel/2022.2.1
Intel oneAPI 2021.4 module load intel/2021.4.0

You can load the particular compiler version through modules with the following command (you may also add this line to your ~/.bashrc):

module load intel/2023.0.0

To load the latest Intel oneAPI compiler use:

module load intel

Upon loading intel module, the dependent modules (e.g. compiler, mkl and others) will be loaded automatically. Information about loaded modules versions will be displayed. If necessary you can change each loaded module version by explicitly specifying it, for example:

module load intel/2023.0.0 mkl/2022.2.1

To hide displayed information about loaded module versions you can add -q option:

module -q load intel/2023.0.0 impi/2021.8.0

New C++ compilers from Intel oneAPI may display deprecation warnings:

icpc: remark #10441: The Intel(R) C++ Compiler Classic (ICC) is deprecated and
will be removed from product release in the second half of 2023. The Intel(R)
oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler (ICX) is the recommended compiler moving forward.
Please transition to use this compiler. Use '-diag-disable=10441' to disable
this message.

You can use __INTEL_PRE_CFLAGS environment variable to add -diag-disable=10441 flag automatically in order to hide these deprecation warnings:

export __INTEL_PRE_CFLAGS=-diag-disable=10441

Intel® Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition #

The following versions of Intel Parallel Studio XE are available on the cluster:

Intel PSXE Module
Intel PSXE 2020 update 4 module load intel/
Intel PSXE 2020 update 2 module load intel/
Intel PSXE 2019 update 5 module load intel/
Intel PSXE 2018 update 4 module load intel/
Intel PSXE 2015 update 2 module load intel/15.0.2

You can load the particular compiler version through modules with the following command (you may also add this line to your ~/.bashrc):

module load intel/

You can also activate compilers with the environment scripts in /opt/intel/parallel_studio_xe_*/ (choose an appropriate version and add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc):

# Intel PSXE 2020 update 4
[[ -f /opt/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2020.4.912/ ]] && \
    . /opt/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2020.4.912/
Support of Intel Parallel Studio XE products has been ended, and their proper work is not guaranteed. Please use an up-to-date Intel oneAPI compilers.

Installed Intel MPI versions #

All nodes have the same versions of Intel MPI.

Please use module avail impi (when any of Intel compilers is loaded) or module spider impi to get the list of available Intel MPI versions.

Intel MPI libraries are included in Intel oneAPI and Intel Parallel Studio XE toolkits. For each compiler version there is particular one for Intel MPI library.

Intel Compilers intel and impi modules
Intel oneAPI 2024.0 module load intel/2024.0.0 impi/2021.11
Intel oneAPI 2023.2.0 module load intel/2023.2.1 impi/2021.10.0
Intel oneAPI 2022.3.1 module load intel/2022.2.1 impi/2021.7.1
Intel oneAPI 2021.4 module load intel/2021.4.0 impi/2021.4.0
Intel PSXE 2020 update 4 module load intel/ impi/2019.9.304
Intel PSXE 2020 update 2 module load intel/ impi/2019.8.254
Intel PSXE 2019 update 5 module load intel/ impi/2019.5.281
Intel PSXE 2018 update 4 module load intel/ impi/2018.4.274
Intel PSXE 2015 update 2 module load intel/15.0.2 impi/5.0.3p.048

You may mix different versions of Intel compilers and MPI libraries but it is not recommended. In case of any compilation and execution problems try to use combination of Intel compiler and MPI library from the same toolkit.

Intel MKL #

The Intel Math Kernel Library is included in Intel compilers.

You can get the detailed instructions on compiling your code by the following link: Intel Math Kernel Library Link Line Advisor.

For old MKL version 2015 please use the following link.

Please use the following options

Option Value
Intel® product Intel MKL or Intel PSXE version
Architecture Intel(R) 64
Dynamic or static linking Dynamic