Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) Link Line Advisor v4.1   
Select Intel® product:
Select OS:
Select usage model of Intel® Xeon Phi™ Coprocessor:
Select compiler:
Select architecture:
Select dynamic or static linking:
Select interface layer:
Select sequential or multi-threaded layer:
Select OpenMP library:
Select cluster library: Cluster PARDISO (BLACS required)
CDFT (BLACS required)
ScaLAPACK (BLACS required)
Select MPI library:
Select the Fortran 95 interfaces: BLAS95
Link with Intel® MKL libraries explicitly:

Use this link line:

Compiler options:

o Set the INCLUDE, MKLROOT, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, CPATH, FPATH and NLSPATH environment variables in the command shell using one of mklvars script files in the 'bin' subdirectory of the Intel(R) MKL installation directory. Please see also the Intel(R) MKL User Guide.
o Set the MIC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable using one of mklvars script files in the 'bin' subdirectory of the Intel(R) MKL installation directory. Please see also the Intel(R) MKL User Guide.
o Set the environment variable: MKL_MIC_ENABLE=1
o Set the INCLUDE, MKLROOT, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, CPATH, FPATH and NLSPATH environment variables in the command shell using one of mklvars script files in the 'bin' subdirectory of the Intel(R) MKL installation directory. Please see also the Intel(R) MKL User Guide.
o Set the PATH, LIB and INCLUDE environment variables in the command shell using one of mklvars script files in the 'bin' subdirectory of the Intel(R) MKL installation directory. Please see also the Intel(R) MKL User Guide.
o Set the INCLUDE, MKLROOT, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, CPATH, FPATH and NLSPATH environment variables in the command shell using one of mklvars script files in the 'tools/environment' subdirectory of the Intel(R) MKL installation directory. Please see also the Intel(R) MKL User Guide.
o Set the INCLUDE, MKLROOT, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, CPATH, FPATH and NLSPATH environment variables in the command shell using one of mklvars script files in the 'tools/environment' subdirectory of the Intel(R) MKL installation directory. Please see also the Intel(R) MKL User Guide.
o Set the PATH, LIB and INCLUDE environment variables in the command shell using one of mklvars script files in the 'tools/environment' subdirectory of the Intel(R) MKL installation directory. Please see also the Intel(R) MKL User Guide.
o You may remove libraries with 'solver' in the name from the link line if you do not use the iterative solver or GMP domain.
o To set the threading layer at run time, use the mkl_set_threading_layer function or set MKL_THREADING_LAYER variable to one of the following values:INTEL, SEQUENTIAL, PGI. To set interface layer at run time, use the mkl_set_interface_layer function or set the MKL_INTERFACE_LAYER variable to LP64 or ILP64. Please see also the Intel(R) MKL User Guide.
o Please be sure that you have used the recommended compiler options for the selected interface layer. Caution: linking Intel(R) MKL libraries with your objects compiled for different interface layer may lead to run-time errors.
o Set the F95ROOT variable. Fortran 95 interfaces are compiler-dependent. The Fortran 95 interfaces and wrappers are delivered as sources, build the appropriate library and modules with your compiler. Please see also the Intel(R) MKL User Guide.
o PGI Fortran support on Windows is limited.
o If you are using a non-default MPI, assign the same appropriate value to MKL_BLACS_MPI on all nodes. Set MKL_BLACS_MPI variable to one of the following values: INTELMPI, MPICH2 or MSMPI.