Reservation of 7 nodes on February 7, 2023

Reservation of 7 nodes on February 7, 2023


Node reservation #

Start End Queue Nodes Total cores User
02.02.2023 12:00 07.02.2023 10:00 normal 1 20 ice[00-16]
07.02.2023 10:00 07.02.2023 21:00 normal 7 280 ice[00-16]

Details #

7 nodes (280 cores) will be reserved for exclusive use of students and teachers of Winter School of Floating University 2023 on February 7, 2023.

20 cores on one node will be additionally reserved for configuration from February 2 to February 7, 2023.

The users can add extra option --reservation=ice2023 to Slurm commands in order to run jobs on the reserved nodes during reservation hours:

sbatch --reservation=ice2023 ...