Reservation of one node in December

Reservation of one node in December


Node reservation #

Start End Queue Nodes Total cores User
05.12.2022 18:00 05.12.2022 20:00 normal 1 40 student
06.12.2022 15:00 06.12.2022 18:00 normal 1 40 student
09:00 (December 8-23) 17:00 (December 8-23) normal 1 40 student

Details #

One idle node (40 cores) will be reserved for exclusive use of student user for practical lessons in December (see schedule).

The user student can add extra option --reservation=students to Slurm commands in order to run tasks on a reserved node during reservation hours:

sbatch --reservation=students ...

Additional information #

Several additional restrictions apply to jobs submitted by user student.

The total number of cores available for user student is restricted to 128. Any job requesting more than 128 cores will be rejected. Several jobs may run in parallel as long as their total usage of cores does not exceed 128 cores.

The total number of used nodes is restricted to 4. Any job requesting more than 4 nodes will be rejected. Several jobs may run in parallel as long as they use no more than 4 nodes simultaneously.

The maximum time limit for jobs submitted by user student is 4 hours.

The restrictions from this section do not apply to jobs submitted with reservation students.