Running MPI jobs

Running MPI jobs #

Quick hint: replace mpiexec with mpirun.
The new resource management system is active now. Please refer to Slurm and mpirun usage pages. Information below is deprecated.

Please use mpiexec tool to run MPI jobs through Torque management system. By default mpiexec will run your program on all reserved cores. You can run your program on the specific number of cores with the parameter -n np, e.g.:

mpiexec -n 8 ./mpiprog8.exe

You can also run one instance on each physical node with the parameter -pernode, e.g.:

mpiexec -pernode ./hybrid.exe

Please consult the manual page for other parameter:

man mpiexec

Example #

#PBS -N mpitest
#PBS -l nodes=32
#PBS -l walltime=8:00:00

cd ~/mpitest
echo "Start date: $(date)"
mpiexec ./mpiprog.exe
echo "  End date: $(date)"